Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1: tools for the job

so i decided i need to get some tools of the trade, to be the man whore of the year, gotta start out small so i can work towards being man whore of the decade, century, etc.... go big or go home, so lining up some tools to get the job done.

tool # 1 - Pheromones - yeah thats right, i need all the help i can get, every bit of leverage on my side to get the job done for the wham bam thank you ma'am, the better off we are... i am going w/ the scentless pheromones so it is not noticable, in the article 20/20 had done some reasearch and the individuals wearing the pheromones had a 60-70% success ration over the other people who had a 30-40% success ratio... yeah this deffinately puts the odds in my favor.... put it on my kneck, my arms.. other areas and we are set!!

tool # 2 - VIAGRA - yeah i am going to need to ensure there is enough juice to keep the machine going

tool # 3 - Lubrication - w/e it takes to get the job done... its's a race, whoever gets off first wins!!

Day 1: i have issues

ok so as this blog says, yes this is day 1 of me becoming a man whore... now how do i get started?  thinking there are plenty of options here at work, but a lot of these women are married, some say that is wrong, some say who cares... is it wrong?...